Sunday, October 7, 2012


I slept w Harley and the Boyfriend yesterday (yes, the same day and, obviously, we didn't actually 'sleep').  I went to bed for the night the happiest I have been in a long time.  Today, I am wracked w guilt and wondering if I am a bad person.


  1. Why would you think you are a bad person? You have people you love and care about and they love you too. Sharing "affection" is a wonderful way to bond and share and be closer. You might be a bit bad, but only for making me so jealous. :-)

  2. As much as I enjoy your blog but yes, you should feel guilty about it and you're being a bad person. You're actively deceiving someone you have been with purely for a satisfying sex life. You have indicated no reason to believe your boyfriend is cheating on you and you seem to justify it because you keep his needs fulfilled. Why not just break up with him at this point and stay not committed until you find someone that can give you all you need sexually?

  3. "bad person"? Try "gorgeously attractive to two different men" Try "someone who takes advantage of what life has to offer" Try "LUCKY!"

    Enjoy it, babe! No regrets, right? There's plenty of time for that when you get old! lol

  4. No, it just means you like sex with men that attract you. I wish I was one of them (this is coming from an octogenarian.) Take no notice of the moralising. Life has a lot to offer us, let's accept as much as possible. The only regrets about sex partners I have ever had have been for those that I passed up, usually for some stupid reason.

  5. Why do you feel guilty? I think you need to ask yourself what you feel guilty about. That's something I often need to do... It's not as cut and dry as you may think. There are millions of reasons you could be feeling guilty and the decision of whether or not you are guilty depends on what crime you are putting yourself on trial for.

  6. Advizor, milf, and Malcolm: Thank you and I appreciate y'all.

    Cande: You know me too well. The guilt is about Harley; well, not really Harley exactly - more me for setting myself up to get crushed again when he bails.

    Nameless: You will kindly notice I do not defend myself. I accepted your initial criticism, especially since it includes some of how I feel. Your second comment (deleted) was less constructive criticism and more just plain mean. You seem eager to call me bad. Should you be reading and enjoying it then?

  7. I kinda figured it wasn't guilt about the bf... I think you just need to weigh the good against the bad and decide which is better for YOU. I think we have a LOT in common, you and I.

    As for the Anon comment (which I didn't get a chance to see)... People judge without understanding. I wish people would learn to give constructive advice rather than just deconstructive hate. Or as the famous cliché goes, "if you have nothing good to say, keep your mouth shut".
